Hi! My name is Daffa Amadeo

I'm an iOS Developer based in Indonesia

A little about me

I'm a graduate of BINUS University, Apple Developer Academy alumni, an ex-iOS developer intern at Nusantara Beta Studio and currently an intern at Superbank.

With a passion for experimenting and diving deep into programming challenges, I thrive on overcoming complex problems. I find joy in the process of crafting innovative solutions and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the iOS ecosystem.

A few of my past experiences

Apple Developer Academy

The Apple Developer Academy is a prestigious 10-month scholarship program sponsored by Apple, where I was one of 200 individuals selected from over 7,000 applicants in Indonesia. I developed 5 iOS applications, with one successfully launched on the App Store (Quint). I collaborated with multiple teams, spearheaded individual projects, and contributed to addressing social issues aligned with UN Sustainable Development Goals through user interviews and application development.

Nusantara Beta Studio

During my internship at NBS, I delivered numerous features for an E-Commerce app within a 4-month period. I integrated APIs with ObjectMapper, RxSwift, and Moya, maintained clean architecture, and collaborated closely with cross-functional teams. I also improved code quality, performance and introduced a few of my own design patterns that were implemented throughout the app.


During my internship at Superbank, I contributed significantly to the iOS application's evolution, focusing on key features such as revamping the Pocket feature and implementing the Term Deposit, while also achieving over 90% unit test coverage across modules. I was also involved in the DevX side of things: Optimizing the TestFlight distribution pipeline, reducing distribution time by 35%, and developed an in-app memory leak detection tool integrated with Droar and Firebase Crashlytics to enhance debugging capabilities.

A few projects I've worked on!


Quint is an app that helps young Indonesian men to find the right skincare products, and routines and provide them with skin insights and facial progress.

Worked on this as the tech lead at Apple Developer Academy.


Embrace is an app that helps new mothers deal with baby blues syndrome by giving them a platform to share and connect with fellow mothers & a journaling space to pour out their feelings.

Worked on this at Apple Developer Academy.

Let's work together!

I'm currently open to junior iOS developer positions; feel free to reach out :)



Mobile [WA]

+62 8588-1142-248

Daffa Amadeo

iOS Developer based in Indonesia



+62 8588-1142-248

Daffa Amadeo 2024. Theme inspired by GMK Olivia

Made in Typedream